Prophetess Lily Java was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She moved to the United States in early 2000, with her parents and two older siblings. Prophetess Lily Java is married to the well known Prophet Passion Java, and together they have three beautiful boys: Lemuel Java, Raphael Java and Uriel Java. Lily Java was called by the Lord Jesus Christ to be a prophetess to the nations; one whom would operate with a strong apostolic anointing to establish churches around the world. She ushers the sweet presence of God through her gift of worship and she flows in the dimension of the gifts of healing.The Lord is using Prophetess Lily Java to be a generational curse breaker. She is well known for exemplifying the love of God for the lost and broken. She has helped and motivated many individuals to understand their identity and calling.She has and continues to work alongside her husband to raise and equip a whole generation for Jesus Christ, and prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord.
The couple run and operate Kingdom Embassy Church, that has over 30 branches around the world, with the main church and headquarters in Maryland. Among many other endeavors, Prophetess Lily Java is also known for her charitable work. She is the founder of the Lily Java Foundation that is dedicated to helping widows and orphans in different parts of Africa and the U.S. You can learn more about the foundation and how you can help by going to www.lilyjavafoundation.org. She is also a published writer, who has decided to share her wisdom to those that want to learn from her directly. You can purchase her books along with other items from the link below.